Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Self-sufficiency and Sustainability

I think self-sufficiency potentially has a wide range of meanings depending on which person you ask.  For me, to be self-sufficient means that either myself or the tools that I implement are creating electricity, supplying food, gathering and storing water or, generally speaking, providing for all the needs of myself and my family.

The main goal of a sustainable lifestyle should be overcoming the challenges of implementing systems that require the least amount of labor and resources.  A passive system, that is self-sustainable, should be the ideal goal.  An example of this might be a food forest that creates its own humus from fallen vegetative matter and, thereby, continues providing food through its natural cycles of growth and decay.  

My wonderful partner and I are ready to travel down this road and seek this life for ourselves.  We plan to focus our attention on those things which will continue to provide for our needs and will be sustainable in nature.  We hope to document our experiences and are eager to have you share in our journey here on this blog.